In the animated series Doodlebops, favorites Deedee, Rooney, and Moe Doodle tackle problems relatable to preschoolers. The show helps children face situations and solve problems using courage and logi...

7.20 7.80 118

In this animated series from Walt Disney, Scrooge McDuck, along with Huey, Dewey, and Louie, embarks on a variety of exciting adventures. ...

6.60 6.30 131

The show follows the Lee brothers, who were separated at birth. Billy is raised by an elderly martial arts master known as the Oldest Dragon, while his brother Jimmy is brought up by the evil Shadow M...

7.50 7.70 114

The series portrays the misadventures of a group of urban teens as they navigate their daily lives and the challenges they face. ...

7.80 6.20 82

The series follows a teenager named Artha Penn who teams up with a dragon named Beau. Artha, known as the Dragon Booster, is the chosen hero tasked with protecting the dragon world and ensuring its sa...

7.50 6.10 111

The series features Dracula's nephew leading a trio of monster superheroes in their battle against the evil Dr. Dred and his forces. ...

7.80 6.60 107

The series follows Roy and his soccer team as they strive to join the Dream League. As they face various athletic challenges, they build friendships and work together to become the best team in the le...

6.70 6.90 84

The story centers on the adventures of two ordinary kids, Emmy and Max, who discover a dragonscale and begin to socialize with their dragon friends: Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal. They embark...

7.70 6.60 114

The series follows fourteen-year-old best friends Spencer Wright and the ghost of pop star Billy Joe Cobra as they spend their days in Beverly Heights making amateur horror films and getting entangled...

6.10 7.30 109

The series follows the ongoing, wacky adventures of Lloyd and Harry, along with their pet beaver, as they travel across the country in their Dogmobile. ...

8.00 7.00 115

The series chronicles the misadventures of the clumsy mechanical canine Dynomutt, Dog Wonder, and his millionaire owner, Radley Crowne, who is also known as The Blue Falcon. Together, Dynomutt and The...

7.90 7.60 122

Baseball teams of birds play against other baseball teams of animals in the town of Mynaville....

6.20 6.70 118