Two groups of alien warriors crash on Earth: one benevolent, resembling herbivorous dinosaurs, and the other malevolent, resembling carnivorous dinosaurs. The herbivorous aliens team up with Earth chi...
7.20 7.00 88DINOSAUR REVOLUTION is a series that uses cutting-edge dinosaur research and Hollywood storytelling to depict the lives of dinosaurs. It features stunning visuals created by talented artists and anima...
6.10 6.50 115A group of friendly dinosaurs take a train journey through different prehistoric time periods, learning about dinosaurs and experiencing exciting adventures. ...
6.70 6.50 113DJ & The Fro are two young slackers working at Oppercon Industries, a dreary office environment. They spend their days avoiding work by watching and commenting on hilarious internet videos. They satir...
6.60 6.20 122The series follows the adventures of Dr. John Dolittle, a veterinarian with the unique ability to communicate with animals. He is constantly engaged in a battle with the pirate, Sam Scurvy. ...
6.70 7.20 119Kerubim Crepin, a retired adventurer, operates a magical shop in the town of Astrub. Each item in his bazaar has a unique story that he loves to share with his adopted son, Joris, his close friends, o...
8.00 6.90 110Human Valorians, chased by the intergalactic warlord Krulos and his Rulons, escape through a wormhole and land on prehistoric Earth. Krulos follows them but becomes trapped in the past as well. Both s...
6.70 7.60 81Set in the 17th century, the story follows a young Dogtanian (D'Artacan in the original Spanish and Darutaniyan in the Japanese version, voiced by Satomi Majima) as he travels to Paris to become one o...
6.80 7.20 113The animated sci-fi series is based on Duck Dodgers, the alter ego of Looney Tunes star Daffy Duck. In this series, Duck Dodgers is portrayed as a semi-heroic yet often inept space captain. ...
7.90 6.60 105