In the shadowy world of high-seas crime, a group of special agents makes a significant arrest: the captain of the cruise ship suspected of smuggling and other illicit deeds. While the captain maintain...
698The series is set in 1992, in an alternate history in which the United States has become Eden, a dystopian technocracy controlled by the megacorporation of the same name. Dolph Laserhawk, a supersoldi...
7.20 612In a bygone era, a fearsome Demon Lord terrorized the world until a Hero emerged, bravely confronting the Demon Lord and ultimately defeating him, bringing an end to his tyranny. In the wake of this v...
7.60 6.46 586Nocturne revolves around Richter, a young man tormented by the memory of his mother's tragic death at the hands of the vampire Olrox, played by Zahn McClarnon. Fate throws him together with the spirit...
8.40 614Combining classic-style cartoon comedy with contemporary storytelling, the series follows two tiny wisecracking troublemakers trying to live the good life in a big city park while having giant-sized, ...
6.00 418Denji is robbed of a normal teenage life, left with nothing but his deadbeat father's overwhelming debt. His only companion is his pet, the chainsaw devil Pochita, with whom he slays devils for money ...
8.40 8.54 363Since the demise of the man believed to be Britannia's most wicked emperor one year ago, the world has enjoyed an unprecedented peace under the guidance of the United Federation of Nations. However, t...
7.21 6.23 287Lelouch Lamperouge's dreams of destroying the Holy Britannian Empire are slowly crumbling. His sister, Nunnally, has been kidnapped by Schneizel el Britannia, and Suzaku Kururugi is ignoring his despe...
6.45 7.96 334Having achieved miraculous victories in a series of battles against the Britannian Army, Lelouch Lamperouge has brought the Black Knights, his paramilitary organization, to a more powerful state than ...
6.78 7.88 233The Holy Britannian Empire is a powerful nation that uses its military strength to expand its rule, and the small island nation of Japan is yet another victim. During a worldwide conflict in 2010 know...
6.88 7.66 374Upon arriving at the train station of death, an impure soul is granted a second chance at life against his will. Reincarnating into the body of Makoto Kobayashi, a 14-year-old boy who recently committ...
6.77 7.75 221