After achieving success as a late-night talk show host, Space Ghost recruits Brak, who is now somewhat brain-damaged, to join his cast for his own variety show. Zorak, from Coast to Coast, also serves...

7.00 6.30 111

Following the tradition of MTV's earlier animation show Liquid Television, this series, which aired a few years later, featured a collection of animated shorts created by various cartoonists. ...

7.30 7.10 110

Cattanooga Cats portrayed the adventures of a fictional rock band made up of anthropomorphic hillbilly cats, similar to the Archies and the Banana Splits. ...

7.10 7.80 111

Chucklewood Critters is an American animated television series and line of specials created by former Hanna-Barbera animators Bill Hutten and Tony Love. The show centers on the adventures of two woodl...

7.90 6.50 112

In this series, Jamal is approaching his 10th birthday, a milestone that symbolizes his transition from childhood to a more mature phase of life. As he prepares to "become a man," Jamal grapples with ...

6.10 7.40 112

The series is a 30-minute animated show where each episode adapts a different beloved children's story. The animation brings classic tales to life with vibrant visuals and engaging characters, aiming ...

6.80 6.70 121

The concept is a darkly comedic and satirical show where celebrities face off in a wrestling ring, and the twist is that the stakes are life or death. Each episode features a new set of celebrities co...

8.00 7.90 113

The story revolves around the unconventional friendship between a lazy and selfish house cat and an excitable, naive alien who wears a homemade purple cat suit. The cat, initially uninterested in anyt...

6.10 6.60 117

The show is similar in format to Hanna-Barbera's Scooby-Doo and focuses on four adolescent friends who run the private investigation agency, Clue Club, from Larry's suburban home. The team includes La...

7.60 6.30 122

Several episodes delve into the theme that each resurrection produces a new incarnation with little to no memory of its previous life, with the immediate past incarnation referred to as the current on...

7.00 7.10 112

The show was a comedy satire of inner-city London life, aimed at a mature audience. It featured a cast of characters living in a grim apartment building in the fictional postcode SE69, dealing with va...

7.90 6.50 125

While driving to a family vacation, a family falls into a canyon and becomes trapped. They must learn to get along with their fellow stranded neighbors and, more importantly, with each other. ...

6.00 7.80 113