Eve, known as the "Rainbow Bullet," is a skilled golfer who makes her living by betting and winning in underground matches. With just three clubs, she aims to dominate the world of underground golf. H...

6.90 7.51 480

In a world where carnivores and herbivores live in a fragile balance, Cherryton Academy becomes the epicenter of tension after the shocking murder of Tem, an alpaca in the theater club. Legoshi, a gre...

7.70 656

Baki Hanma continues his journey to confront his father, Yuujirou, the strongest man in the world, after triumphing in a brutal underground competition. However, he struggles to relax when Tokugawa Mi...

6.70 7.88 606

In a world where warriors called "escorts" are hired to eliminate those the government targets, Dao Ma, a wandering warrior, seeks to repay Mo, a man who cared for him and his child, Xiao Qi. As they ...


The plot of Buddy Daddies revolves around three unrelated characters: Kazuki Kurusu and Rei Suwa, two assassins living together, and Miri, the target of their assassination attempt. After the mission ...

7.80 7.88 462

Animated promotions for the mobile game Blue Archive. ...

6.94 427

This is the definitive animated adaptation of the emotionally calming character-driven series that will make you ponder the question, "What are living things?" while laughing at heartwarming jokes and...

6.35 303

The Belcher family, which comprises of Bob, Linda, Tina, Gene, and Louise, is the focus of the cartoon series. The family owns and operates Bob's Burgers on Ocean Avenue in an unknown seaside town (in...

8.20 8.40 881

The show centers on Bluey, an anthropomorphic six-year-old Blue Heeler dog who is known for her boundless energy, vivid imagination, and insatiable curiosity. The young dog lives with her mother, Chil...

9.50 462

The Japanese national soccer team placed 16th at the FIFA World Cup in 2018. As a result, the mysterious football player Ego Jinpachi is hired by the Japan Football Association. His grand strategy to ...

7.23 8.24 721

Atsushi Nakajima's orphanage has been troubled by a supernatural tiger for weeks, but he seems to be the only one who isn't aware of it. The 18-year-old is abruptly expelled from the orphanage and lef...

7.80 7.83 560

Five girls who were previously lost come together to establish a band. A band is created by five girls who had once been lost. Five girls, each having experienced their own journey of being lost...

7.40 7.45 525