The series follows a group of teenage 7th graders, including best friends Nick Birch and Andrew Glouberman, as they navigate their way through puberty with struggles like masturbation and sexual arous...

7.90 485

Big Nate chronicles the escapades and mishaps of Nate Wright, a somewhat incompetent, but spirited and rebellious sixth-grader. He hangs out with a group of friends consisting of Francis, Teddy, Chad,...

7.20 467

The show tracks the adventures of Major Prickles and his eager squad as they endeavor to protect the inhabitants of Big Tree City....

8.50 406

The series is narrated from the perspective of four children and their anthropomorphic pets, and every episode introduces a significant word into their vocabulary....

9.10 398

Adam persuaded his father, Bigfoot, to come back home, but two months later, he feels burdened by the publicity that his dad's newfound fame has brought upon their family. Additionally, he is struggli...

8.80 250

The Biker Mice make a comeback on Earth a few years after the incidents of the first series. The primary foes in this new installment are the wicked Catatonians, a group of feline-like beings who have...

6.30 405

The series tracks the exploits of Billy Dilley, a seventh-grade student who is passionate about science, and his laboratory mates Zeke and Marsha, as well as his pet rodent Anaximander. During their s...

3.20 339

Judy Ken Sebben, Phil Ken Sebben's daughter, battles crime as Birdgirl. When Phil Ken Sebben perishes in an accident, he designates Birdgirl as Sebben & Sebben Worldwide's replacement. Birdgirl was ab...

5.80 197

The show, which is set in the 1970s, mostly pays homage to and parodies blaxploitation movies. The series follows the exploits of Black Dynamite, Bullhorn, Cream Corn, and Honey Bee as they get into r...

8.10 316

The main characters of Blaze and the Monster Machines are AJ, a perceptive teenage driver, and Blaze, an orange-red monster truck. The "Monster Machines" or numerous living monster trucks inhabit the ...

5.60 430

The program has a completely new cast of characters than Blazing Teens. Yo-Kwon-Do, a martial technique that blends yo-yo skills with martial arts, is discovered by four youngsters. Now, they must per...

6.80 445

A working-class family residing in North Carolina is the subject of Bless the Harts. The main character, waitress Jenny Hart, tries to make ends meet while sharing a home with her mother Betty Hart an...

5.80 302