No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (episodes 1-4) follows the journey of a guy who has strong sentiments of estrangement from society and from "humanity." Ango Sakaguchi's Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shi...

7.60 7.70 515

Akira Okudaira, an incoming high school student at Fujigaya Girls Academy, reconnects with her childhood friend Fumi Manjme at the beginning of Sweet Blue Flowers after a ten-year absence. Fumi is a s...

7.00 7.11 509

The extreme impacts of global warming have raised sea levels in the year 2039, leading to a significant loss of land. A fleet of formidable warships with cutting-edge weaponry appears to ensure mankin...

7.20 7.36 533

A quiet middle schooler named Yuuko harbors affections for the boy who grew up next to her childhood pal. She is concerned about what to do when she learns that her best friend likes him as well. As t...

6.90 7.10 530

Sinbad is a little child and the son of a well-known Baghdadi businessman. Sinbad particularly enjoys listening to his uncle Ali's tales of misadventure because Ali has brought Shera, a strange talkin...

7.80 7.19 544

Izumi Norimoto and Kazusa Onodera used to giggle and play together as kids and were like siblings. However, as they developed into middle schoolers, Kazusa started to perceive him differently, and sad...

7.30 7.36 536

After "the dreadful light of Kazan" has spread throughout the land in the year 981, the anime will chronicle the exploits of Baron, a man living on the continent of Arad. One of his arms has been poss...

6.30 6.72 529

The drama, which is set in Tokyo's Arakawa district, centers on Kou Ichinomiya, a self-made success. One rule that his father has instilled in him since he was a young child is that one should never o...

7.10 7.57 560

Arata Hinohara from present-day Japan switches places with Arata from the alternate world of Amawakuni (). The transition is concealed by an illusion, so Hinohara and Arata appear to be one person to ...

6.60 6.45 547

The imaginary Middle Eastern kingdom of Aslan is where Area 88 takes place (alternatively transcribed as "Asran"). The government employs mercenary fighter pilots at the desert airfield Area 88 to car...

7.70 7.50 535

Brothers Kakeru and Suguru both have a ferocious passion for soccer. However, while Suguru becomes a rising star in the Japanese junior soccer system, Kakeru decides to take on a coaching role after s...

6.90 7.18 537

"Argonavis from BanG Dream!" is a musical anime series that is a part of the larger "BanG Dream!" multimedia franchise, but set in a separate universe from the original "BanG Dream!" series. It premie...

6.60 6.76 509