The tale of Chacha, a young magical girl (Mah Shjo), is told in Akazukin Chacha. Seravi, her master and the greatest magician in the fictitious universe, resides in a cabin on Mochi-mochi mountain wit...
7.90 7.42 512Komichi has always loved wearing sailor clothes (she was influenced by her idol Miki Fukumoto), and when she starts middle school, she even asked her mother Yuwa to create her a sailor-style school un...
7.30 7.44 537Aki's greatest hobby is playing the traditional taiko tamburo. One day, she receives a call from her elderly professor Yoshioka asking if she can return to her own country and teach the taiko to her s...
6.60 6.97 555Aki and Sora Aoi, who are siblings, have been dating secretly since they professed their affection to one another on a rainy day. Unaware that Sora has other interests, his twin sister Nami decides to...
6.00 564Komichi Akebi has always loved sailor uniforms and has even gone so far as to ask her mother to make one for her if she is accepted into Roubai Academy, her mother's alma mater. Komichi is so thrilled...
5.30 360Although his lover Non "Nontan" Katagiri is aware of his harsh treatment of her, Atsuhiro "Akkun" Kagari secretly harbors feelings for her. He frequently stalks her and keeps an eye on her. Their inte...
6.60 6.84 507The narrative follows Takao Kasuga, a middle school bookworm whose favorite book is Charles Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal, as it begins in a little hamlet in the Gunma Prefecture. He impulsively stea...
7.60 7.14 519The joke manga shows a day in the life of the demon Memumemu-chan, who one day confronts Hyouta, a high school student. She has come to seduce men and steal their souls, but she lacks the drive and sk...
5.59 562"Albator 84," known as "Space Pirate Captain Harlock: Arcadia of My Youth - Endless Orbit SSX" in Japan, is an anime series that aired from 1982 to 1983. It's a sequel to the original "Space Pirate Ca...
7.80 7.38 534The story opens with schoolgirls going about their quiet daily lives, which abruptly comes to an end when old classmates turn into zombies. The plot traces the acts of the girls who were abandoned on ...
5.00 5.20 615