Juden Chan Recharged" (also known as "Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!" in Japanese) is an ecchi science fiction comedy anime series that focuses on the adventures of "Chargers," beings from a parallel wo...

6.50 6.64 605

DJ & The Fro are two young slackers working at Oppercon Industries, a dreary office environment. They spend their days avoiding work by watching and commenting on hilarious internet videos. They satir...

6.60 6.20 89

In 1918, Klaus von Wolfstadt met Taki Reizen. In order to attend the coronation event, Klaus traveled to the nation in the Far East with his family (parents, brother, and sister). The young Taki begge...

5.80 6.51 611

The Goode family, a liberal family, faces challenges in navigating modern social and environmental issues. They struggle with contradictions arising from their working-class status and their desire to...


Yuushi Oshitari of Aru Hi no Oshitari Hyoutei Academy is tired of always being the dull one. By placing himself in an absurd scenario, he attempts to correct this, but his tennis club teammates don't ...

7.61 514

A 15-year-old boy named Kenshi Masaki has voluntarily left his home on Earth to travel to the fictional planet of Geminar. The Sacred Mechanoids, humanoid exoskeletal weapons that were initially found...

7.10 7.77 521

A strange gang has kidnapped Kenshi Masaki and brought him to the land of Geminar. He consents to assist them in utilizing a massive robot known as a Sacred Mechanoid to kill Lashara Aasu XXVIII, the ...

7.10 7.77 453

On a vastly transformed Earth ten millenia in the future, the young air-surfer or "lifter" Renton joins a rebel group and befriends the pilot Eureka....

6.02 270

Number 1 Takaaki's home is now being serviced by robot maid Silfa. She appears to struggle a little with her responsibilities, though, as part of them entail going out in public to buy groceries and ...

6.80 6.69 424

Lady has disappeared so Cobra must dive into her past to save her. This is the story of who Lady used to be and how she got that metal body. ...

6.85 502

The fictional American metropolis of JFK City, a hub of crime and porn, lies close across the border from the fictional Canadian village of Maple Lake, where the series is set. The brothers Bob and Do...

6.00 359

The teachers at a modest and unremarkable school deal with their everyday problems and challenges. ...

7.80 6.10 93