The series centers around Fanboy and Chum Chum, a pair of hyperactive, odd, energetic, and slow-witted best friends enthusiastically obsessed with superhero comics, particularly those featuring their ...
6.40 7.60 96No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (episodes 1-4) follows the journey of a guy who has strong sentiments of estrangement from society and from "humanity." Ango Sakaguchi's Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shi...
7.60 7.70 481In the animated series, three alien robots named Rivet, Widgit, and Socket crash-land their spacecraft in an ordinary garden tree on Earth. When human twins Robin and Daisy Harrison discover the wreck...
4.80 338"Medusa," a deadly virus becomes a worldwide epidemic. In order to escape from this deadly virus, a handful of people are chosen to be put into a cold sleep, laying in a capsule hoping for the future ...
6.88 6.77 261In the high school, Murasame Sumika is well-liked for her excellence in both sports and academics. She is secretly in love with Kazama Ushio, a classmate, though. Although Ushio enjoys seeing girls in...
6.90 7.06 458Sawako Kuronuma, known as "Sadako," is misconstrued to be fearsome and evil like her fictional counterpart, Sadako, despite having a shy and kind demeanor. This is because of how similar the two women...
7.80 8.00 489Gena is a crocodile who, up until he obtains a box of oranges, has a lonely life in the city. He discovers a curious small creature inside the carton that he named Cheburashka. They engage in numerous...
6.80 6.46 608Miracle Train is also known as Chuo-sen e Youkoso. While the new anime and its associated stories deal with the Oedo subway line, the original Miracle Train initiative concentrated on the stations ...
6.90 6.47 472A man's childhood summer memories are still going strong. He has ties to the ghost of a young woman from the World War 2 era who is still on the verge of being a child and a man. She and the ghosts of...
7.00 7.28 439