When the planet of the Heavens was nonexistent in Munto's distant past, humanity had a thriving civilisation. Unknown entities of unknown origin descended onto the world of humans one day. These creat...

6.30 6.97 436

The plot of My Hero Academia is set in a world where the majority of people have the capacity to acquire superpowers known as "Quirks," which usually appear in children by the age of four and affect a...

8.40 7.93 2019

The beginning date of this anime is unknown, however it takes place 50 years after World War III. Where Tokyo once stood, the conflict has left a crater that is now covered with toxic rubble. This are...

6.60 7.24 383

Negi Springfield takes on the roles of English and homeroom teacher for Mahora Academy Class 2A while searching for information regarding his missing father Nagi (later 3A). Most of Negi's new classma...

6.80 6.94 413

It is the year 1931. China's Shanghai serves as the setting. Due to the recent First Sino-Japanese War, Russo-Japanese War, and World War I, the Imperial Japanese Army has been sent to mainland China....

6.50 6.85 414

The supranational organization DOGOO developed specialized soldiers known as E-Gene holders through DNA manipulation to defend the Earth against the looming invasion of the extraterrestrial species on...

6.70 6.68 368

Strong monsters and villains wreak havoc on a supercontinent version of Earth with four Moons. The Hero Association, founded by wealthy Agoni, uses superheroes to battle evil. Unrelated hero Saitama i...

8.70 8.51 677

It tells the tale of a fairy named Mi who is sent to Planet Pandasia to inform the locals of a terrible evil that poses a threat to the planet. In order to overcome King Audie and his henchmen Gold an...

7.70 6.28 347

The narrative centers on Mitsuo Suwa, a young child who meets an alien named Superman, later known as Birdman. The extraterrestrial recruits Mitsuo to join a group that upholds galactic harmony and is...

7.90 6.51 544

The narrative centers on Yu Narukami, a shy adolescent who, as a result of his parents' overseas employment, relocates to Inaba for a year to live with his uncle and cousin. Yu and his new friends Yos...

7.60 7.50 439

Ayaka Kisaragi is a stunning woman who comes from a long line of exorcists in Japan. She nevertheless founded Phantom Quest Corp. after growing weary of their customs. The company is headquartered in ...

6.30 6.49 465

Himeno Awayuki, a high school student, is striving to settle into her new life after her father, who had been widowed, remarried the affluent widow Natsue. Himeno jumps out of a bush while taking a sh...

7.10 7.17 334