"Blood+" is an anime series that follows the story of Saya Otonashi, a seemingly ordinary girl suffering from amnesia, who lives with her adoptive family and can't recall anything beyond the past year...

7.60 7.63 102

Yuji Kaido, a typical young adult male in the year 2009, is put into cryogenic sleep until a cure for his deadly illness (the "B-cells") is developed. He awakens in the midst of a brutal war between a...

7.20 7.03 560

The anime is set in the far future, after the Earth's oceans have risen and largely flooded the planet. Numerous people were killed by flooding brought on by the rogue scientist Zorndyke, and the maj...

6.70 7.02 495

The Republic of Gallia's Neuroi threat was decisively eliminated from the sky by allied forces under the command of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing "Strike Witches" in September 1944, securing the securi...

6.00 6.78 539

Cruzon's citizens are gifted from birth with the freedom to manipulate quartz. They are equipped with technology that enables them to carry out a wide range of functions, including shooting projectile...

6.80 7.26 659

One year has passed since the Black Rebellion was crushed and Zero was purportedly put to death. To try to avert any such uprisings and disrupt rebellious impulses, Britannia has given Area 11 a statu...

8.70 8.91 587

The long-running conflict between the machine men and the planet Earth has finally come to an end, but the peace that has been achieved is more of a win for the machine men than for the Earth. Warrius...

7.10 6.65 554

Crest of the Stars (Seikai no Monsh), the first volume in this sci-fi saga, is based on a series of science fiction novels. The narrative centers on Jinto, a young prince whose world has been occupied...

7.60 7.65 528

On February 24, 2018, a massive creature known as a Heterodyne makes an appearance in the Northwest Gap of the Sea of Japan and goes on a rampage, devastating a large city and killing countless people...

7.10 7.14 580

A group of Nazi officers perform a ritual on May 1, 1945, in Berlin, as the Red Army raises the Soviet flag above the Reichskanzlei. For them, the massacre in the city serves just as the ideal ritual ...

4.40 5.38 813

In the future, "inflation gates" that pass via a parallel reality are used for interstellar travel. Unfortunately, "ghouls," inhabitants of a different universe, wish to enter ours through the same po...

5.90 5.93 530