Crimson Denizens and Rinne, beings from a parallel world, seek to devour humans' precious existences. To restore the delicate balance of the world, Flame Hazes hunt these entities down. Yet such th...

7.18 7.37 260

Three magical girls known as Tres Magia protect the town where Utena Hiiragi resides. Like many others, Utena admires these courageous heroes who fight for justice. One day, a mysterious black mascot ...

6.77 7.32 413

Animal Town is a community where humans and animals coexist. Iroha, a passionate animal lover, shares a deep bond with her canine companion, Komugi! One day, a menacing monster, Garugaru, unleashes ch...

6.10 7.18 446

New Sailor Moon anime commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is a second-year middle school girl who is a little clumsy and a crybaby, but she is full of energy. One day, she...

7.40 7.10 124

The manga follows the story of Mira, the leader of an evil organization bent on conquering and destroying everything. As Earth comes under attack, a magical girl named Byakuya Mimori rises to challeng...

7.12 7.51 156

Chizuko Date is an otaku girl who lives in a city in Niigata Prefecture. Chizuko is obsessed with Berry Blossom, the magical girl who protects the city. However, Chroma—the leader of the local evil ...

5.24 6.80 116