The Phantomhive family, a prominent English lineage, has a butler named Sebastian Michaels. He possesses exceptional knowledge, impeccable manners, and remarkable skills in various fields, including m...

7.70 8.07 309

The slapstick romantic comedy follows Yūto Amakawa, a normal 16-year-old high school boy. He is protected by Himari, a beautiful, sword-wielding cat girl spirit. Yūto's family has a long history of ...

6.77 6.83 191

Spoiled harvest goddess Sakuna is exiled from her luxurious celestial home to a demon-infested island. Stripped of her former comforts, she must reclaim her heritage as both a warrior and a harvest go...

6.12 6.66 219

(English: The Testament of Sister New Devil) Basara Tōjō met his two cute little sisters, Mio Naruse and Maria Naruse. The two sisters revealed themselves as a member of the demon clan and Basara...

7.90 6.80 118

New Sailor Moon anime commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is a second-year middle school girl who is a little clumsy and a crybaby, but she is full of energy. One day, she...

7.40 7.10 124

The third season of High School DxD based on the light novel series by Ichiei Ishibumi. It's following Volumes 5 till 7 in a rearranged order by Ishibumi-sensei himself....

7.10 7.80 117

In Ancient Books of Ys, Adol Christin, a young adventurer from the mainland, sails to the besieged land of Esteria, where he discovers a realm overrun by beasts controlled by the malevolent priest Dar...

7.00 7.50 117

Rookie teacher Haruaki Abe is as cowardly as they come. It's hard enough for him to handle human students without whimpering-and now he's going to be teaching at a school full of monsters?! It's a cla...

5.88 6.57 246