Once a feared necromancer known as the Corpse God, after a monumental battle, he is reborn into the modern world as Polka Shinoyama, a seemingly ordinary Tokyo boy. Navigating the challenges of his ne...


Kaoru Nagase unexpectedly dies and meets a man in white who says he's God. He admits he made a mistake and offers to send her to another world to make up for it. In this new world, a goddess named Cel...

6.10 6.57 729

Right as he is about to earn a promotion, a salaryman meets an untimely demise. Taking pity, a mysterious being grants him a second life in the land of Galdardia as a teenager. Choosing the name Lucie...

7.60 6.46 426

Sixteen-year-old Ai Hoshino is a talented and beautiful idol who is adored by her fans. She is the personification of a pure, young maiden. But all that glitters is not gold....


In Ivy's world, stars are everything. She's a Tamer, born to subdue monsters and animals, but she was also born starless! With her life in danger, Ivy flees into the forest where she befriends a weak ...

7.11 7.34 446

In her past life, Dr. Aoi Takamoto, a renowned surgeon, was Elise de Clorance, a spoiled noblewoman. Elise's arrogance, selfishness, and obsessive love for her fiancé, Prince Linden de Romanoff, led ...


Ars Louvent, a once-weak aristocrat, is now reborn in a different realm. Despite his lack of physical prowess and intellectual brilliance in both worlds, he possesses a unique ability called Appraisal...

7.60 7.10 412

"I'm known as the strongest magician of the Maou Army," says Ike, a demon renowned for his ability to single-handedly capture fortresses and defeat enemies with powerful magic. Both allies and adversa...

7.23 6.77 261

After dying from overwork in Japan, Dahlia is reincarnated into a magical world. Raised by a master in magical toolmaking, she becomes passionate about the craft and gets engaged to her father's appre...

7.40 222

Second season of Youjo Senki. ...


Swords of Salvation, known as Saviors, are special people chosen from across Japan who inherited the memories of their previous lives and able to use the miraculous power of the Ancestral Arts. They a...

7.40 6.30 125

The second season of Youjo Senki continues the intense saga of Tanya Degurechaff, the young, ruthless military strategist reincarnated in a war-torn world. As Tanya faces escalating conflicts and poli...