Yui Yumekawa, a sixth-grader at Avocado Academy, daydreams a lot and aspires to be an idol despite the fact that her school forbids kids from using PriPara. After obtaining her PriTicket, she learns t...

7.31 542

The player takes on the role of Tsumugi Takanashi, a new manager at her father's modest agency who is in charge of an idol group. Seven male members of the idol group "Idolish7," each with an own pers...

8.00 7.72 474

a TV show that is an offshoot of IDOLiSH7 that is only aired on YouTube. They focus on the connections between the Trigger members, how they met, and how they came to be a tight-knit group in this spi...

8.20 7.96 462

The idol group IDOLiSH7 is at the height of its success following their performance at the Black or White event, and offers for several concerts and jobs are flowing in daily, much to the delight of t...

8.00 8.14 487

Third season of Idolish7. ...

8.00 8.20 528

The anime’s production will use motion capture technology to capture the movements of the voice cast while simultaneously producing voice recordings. ...

4.70 5.08 428

Mana Nagase, one of the emerging stars of the idol business, was created by Hoshimi Production, a modest entertainment firm with its headquarters in Hoshimi City. When she passed away one day in a car...

8.30 7.43 511

Hiyori Suzumi enrolls in Tokyo's Sakuragaoka High School after moving away from her small town to seek a career in track and field, and soon after, she is appointed manager-in-training for her classma...

7.20 7.29 573

Tiara, a princess from the Walelandic realm, journeys to Mamkestell to enroll in a prominent school for individuals who share her passion for magic. Tiara meets up with her childhood friend Rosetta, w...

6.80 6.66 534

The music is provided technologically in the series, which takes place in 2017. A popular pop group called Lemon Angel previously achieved success, but they exclusively played on citywide flat-screen ...

5.40 6.54 509

Idols Yuuya Niyodo and Kazuki Yoshino make up the band ZINGS. While Yuuya sees the work as merely another way to make money, Kazuki gives every performance his best. Yuuya's manager issues him an ulti...

6.60 6.79 569

Bonus included in a Blu-ray/DVD disc of μ's live concert that took place in Saitama Super Arena on February 8th and 9th, 2014. ...

6.71 592