Yuuki Kagami, a kid who enrolls in the honors program at the academy of his dreams, finds himself accidentally placed in the girls' dorm, where boys are not allowed, which is the focus of the story. Y...

5.90 6.06 518

Meirin Kanzaki discovered her feng-shui abilities almost as soon as she learned how to speak as a young child, and she developed them to the point where she has created an online help desk where she g...

7.40 6.75 534

During break, Hanako Honda, a loudmouthed airhead, and Olivia, a foreign transfer student who doesn't speak English, engage in a game of "look-the-other-way." Kasumi Nomura, a deadpan loner who is fre...

7.90 8.19 502

Yachi Haruaki, a high school student, is given a mysterious, extremely heavy black cube by his father, an archaeologist working abroad, at the beginning of the story. The following night, Haruaki awak...

6.10 6.60 449

Shizuku "Shi-chan," the younger sister, stays with their parents while Yukino and Kanade Sakurai, twin sisters from Hokkaido, move together to a student house in Tokyo to attend high school. First-yea...

5.60 6.79 433

The series takes place in a world that is just like ours, but with one key difference: all human beings are a type of supernatural creature, including angels, demons, centaurs, mermaids, and more. Eac...

5.40 6.44 565

Since his first year of high school, Haruka Shinozaki has been drawn to the class representative, Akiho Kousaka. She is a model student in every way, gorgeous, and athletic. Shinozaki chooses to revea...

6.38 529

Miguel, the God of Destruction, was once imprisoned inside Sturmhurt, the knight who ruled both light and evil. The knight was accompanied by Gestöber, who fought alongside him in numerous fights. Th...

6.50 6.66 518

Kazunari Usa, a high school freshman, will begin living alone because his parents are now employed elsewhere. He anticipates being able to enjoy his teenage years without having to worry about interac...

7.30 7.68 545

Poor third-year high school student Nariyuki Yuiga works arduously to be nominated for the VIP scholarship, which would pay for all of his college expenses. The headmaster presents him with the presti...

7.00 7.30 556

Haruki Bandou, a bashful first-year university student, decides to stop practicing judo after sustaining a shoulder injury because, despite his family owning a dojo, he is unable to find fulfillment i...

6.70 6.68 524