The narrative takes place before the "Battle in Nagoya" arc of the main plot. Guren gives the Shinoa Squad a new assignment: to free a human girl named Riko from the clutches of the enigmatic vampi...

7.40 7.34 490

Ougi Oshino, a strange transfer student, has recently begun attending Naoetsu Private High School. She is promptly introduced to Koyomi Araragi, a senior student, by their buddy Kanbaru Suruga in the ...

8.40 8.45 354

The novel is set in an universe where "Shadows" are created out of anxiety and terror in modern-day London. A young woman travels to study abroad only to get involved in an odd incident as she enrolls...

5.70 6.42 525

San-kyuu Renkin Magical? Four young girls' daily lives are followed in Pokaan. They are everything but typical, which is the only catch. The joyous witch-in-training Uma, the motherly robot Aiko, the ...

7.50 6.97 506

Vampires have penetrated Tokyo in 1930 and are consuming its gullible residents. The city's officials decide to employ the Jaegers—a bizarre, multifaceted collection of people assigned by the V Ship...

6.80 6.98 496

Megumi-chan is a young woman who has a dark past. Before she met someone she thought was a magic user, she used to be a boy. When blood is applied to a magical book from this individual, a genie appe...

7.40 6.85 484

"Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website refers to him in English) has relocated to Japan after spending a number of years in Transylvania. He has moved into an old-Western-style home in Tok...

6.20 6.01 502

Ranze Etou, a fifteen-year-old girl, leads a typical life for a girl her age, save for the fact that she lives in a castle with a werewolf mother and a vampire father who are perpetually concerned abo...

8.00 7.13 492

There are rumors of an ageless girl who only leaves her mansion at night and dwells in the middle of the forest. Some claim that she is a doll with a soul that is alive. After learning about these tal...

7.10 7.09 504

Reimu Hakurei, a shrine maiden, works tirelessly to ensure that supernatural happenings involving the mythical youkai remain as rare as possible in the secret magical realm of Gensokyo. She organizes ...

7.21 563

The end of Koyomi Araragi's strange high school career, which was marked by odd associations with supernatural beings, is finally here with graduation day. The arrogant Karen Araragi is shorter than ...

8.00 8.45 548

The Federal Republic of Zirnitra accomplished the historic feat of transporting the first living animal—a dog—to outer space on November 23, 1957, and the entire world observed it. Since then, the...

6.80 7.32 494