Honoka Sawada is a lonely young woman who is frequently teased by other people. One night, a bizarre baby named Mao emerges in front of her, and she quickly discovers that the child is actually a baby...

7.30 6.83 529

The Magic of Chocolate is a television show that centers on Chocolat Aikawa, who runs the deep-forest chocolate shop Chocolat Noir. She sells chocolates that, when eaten, grant desires. Chocolat will ...

6.25 534

Fifth-grader Kou Kitamura works for his family's sporting goods business. He gets to know the four daughters of the Tsukishima family—Ichiyo, Wakaba, Aoba, and Momiji—quite well because the Tsukis...

8.20 8.39 541

It was really an ordinary morning. High school student Akira Shiroyanagi, who enjoys Konpeito (Japanese sweets) and video games, has been unexpectedly taken onto a battlefield by a mystery woman by th...

6.80 6.77 597

Shingo Ichinomiya used to be a lone company employee until the day he passed out and awoke as a young child named Wendelin von Benno Baumeister, the eighth son of the noble Baumeister family, in a won...

6.50 6.25 493

Hayate Ayasaki, an unfortunate 16-year-old, has had to work since he was a young child to make ends meet because of the careless actions of his parents. He learns on Christmas Eve that his parents hav...

6.90 7.53 471

With his best friend Itsuki, Takumi Fujiwara works as a student attendant at a gas station. Itsuki has a strong desire to compete in street races. The Akina Speed Stars, whose team captain Koichiro Ik...

8.00 8.08 757

With his best friend Itsuki, Takumi Fujiwara works as a student attendant at a gas station. Itsuki has a strong desire to compete in street races. The Akina Speed Stars, whose team captain Koichiro Ik...

8.50 8.26 542

Little baseball-obsessed Gorou Honda has always admired his father, Shigeharu. Gorou aspires to play professional baseball in order to follow in the footsteps of his father. Shigeharu is inspired to k...

8.10 8.23 431

The Indiana Hornets are still on Gorou Shigeno's path as they try to capture the coveted World Series. However, his goal to become the best in the world gets more difficult once an unanticipated accid...

8.30 516

A gluttonous 14-year-old beauty named Kirari Tsukishima has no interest in idols or the entertainment industry since she is preoccupied with eating. She has no idea about love because of her passion w...

7.00 7.05 517

"MÄR" (Marchen Awakens Romance) is a fantasy adventure anime series based on the manga of the same name by Nobuyuki Anzai. The series aired from 2005 to 2007. The story follows Ginta Toramizu, an ...

6.90 7.26 455