"Little Busters!: EX" is an eight-episode Original Video Animation (OVA) series that acts as a spin-off to the main "Little Busters!" series. The OVAs introduce and elaborate on the storylines of thre...

7.40 7.71 434

"Loveless" is a fantasy and romance anime series based on the manga of the same name. The series involves elements of action, mystery, and explores mature themes within a complex world. The story r...

6.80 6.78 442

Every character in Maburaho can utilize magic, although not all characters' magical abilities are equal. Each character in the tale possesses magic to varying degrees and is limited in the amount of t...

6.50 6.75 369

Miharu Rokujo is a contemporary Japanese student who is unconcerned with his surroundings. Koichi Aizawa and Tobari Kumohira, two ninja associated with the Banten Village, one day defend Miharu from a...

6.40 7.27 511

In the alternate historical setting of Read or Die, the British Empire has remained a significant superpower. Although Kurata's editors (mistakenly) informed him that the British Secret Intelligence S...

7.60 7.54 441

Young Richard III, the intersex son of the Duke of York, is engaged in internal conflict as the Kingdom of England is torn between the Houses of York and Lancaster, each of which claims its leader to ...

4.50 6.26 485

In the dystopian year 2030, the Japanese government is repressive of any perceived immoral behavior, such as using lewd language or disseminating lewd materials, to the extent that all citizens are re...

7.00 7.25 380

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.73 320

The Lord of Nightmares, who fashioned at least four parallel worlds, is the supreme deity in the Slayers universe. The Lord of Nightmares' quest to reclaim its "true form," which can only be accomplis...

7.50 7.81 439

The gods founded guilds for adventurers to test their mettle once they descended onto this world. These "familia" guilds give adventurers the opportunity to explore, collect, hunt, or just have fun. O...

7.00 7.05 461

The Sakura-sou dorm of Suimei High is notable for hosting the school's most notorious miscreants. Sorata Kanda, who is generally calm, is moved to the dorm, and leaving this mental asylum becomes his ...

7.70 8.11 493

With the exception of a study center called "Dreams of Alice" that was established to comprehend the principles underlying these people, the presence of humans with supernatural abilities is kept a cl...

6.80 7.11 536