The "Chronos Rulers," those who battle the time-eating monsters that manifest when people wish they could go back in time, are the main characters of the novel. These demons are engaged in a time-bend...

5.80 6.31 598

Desumi Magahara and Fudou Aikawa have only recently begun dating, but nobody is permitted to know! Fudou, often known as "Red Gelato," is the captain of the "Gelato 5," a team of heroes devoted to def...

7.20 7.50 598

Since they shared a love of reading, slacker Mizuto Irido and reclusive nerd Yume Ayai seemed to be a match made in heaven. Sadly, as their differences deepened over time, they split up right after th...

6.80 6.94 567

Momoko, a young, stunning swordswoman who was born inside a peach (momo in Japanese). She resides in a tranquil paradise with her dependable friends, the dog god Inugami, the monkey god Sarugami, and ...

6.00 5.59 555

Hideki "Rusian" Nishimura, a naive otaku, musters up the confidence to propose to a girl in an online game, and is devastated when she flat-out rejects him. The girl then admits that she is actually a...

6.40 6.72 528

The setting for the story is Akihabara, a metropolis in the future. It was originally referred to as the "Holy land of otaku," but it is now a business district. Only a few specialist stores are still...

4.60 5.12 586

Everyone from young children to the elderly enjoys playing shogi, a board game that is played in Japan and is comparable to chess. Some players possess the skills necessary to advance to the professio...

6.20 6.86 509

A family that is just beginning to reconstruct is followed in Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. Mr. and Mrs. Kanzaki bring their teenage son and daughter with them when they get married...

5.60 6.21 558

Fushihara-san often works overtime like a corporate slave, even after her coworkers have left for the day, spending the majority of her day shackled in front of her office computer. When a ghost in th...

7.00 7.07 554

The Kingdom of White, which floats above the heavens and is ruled by its queen Iris, and the Kingdom of Black, which lies on barren ground below and is ruled by the King of Darkness, are the two kingd...

5.50 5.36 548

The only sound that breaks the chilly winter calm is the rumble of a motorcycle amid the abandoned remnants of a once-vibrant metropolis. The only remaining survivors of the devastated city are its ri...

5.60 6.31 549

Kyou Nukui hasn't been to a single lesson since starting high school. Instead, he spends his days alone in his bedroom creating music that he then posts online along with paintings that are created by...

6.40 6.62 464