The series, which takes place after the events of the fourth movie, is focused on 11-year-old Keisuke Amano, Natsume's younger brother and both of their parents' children from the original Youkai Watc...

6.60 392

In the bustling tapestry of college life, Keitarou Gentouga stands out as an enigma. His inherent ability to magnetize spirits, a gift he loathes, makes his life anything but ordinary. A fateful encou...

7.60 7.45 756

It has been a few months since Maomao, a 17-year-old girl, was abducted and made to serve as a low-level servant at the emperor's palace in an imperial court in ancient China. She nevertheless manages...

8.80 8.57 629

It is based on the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. This season follows two new characters instead of Ash Ketchum, including Roy, a young man from the Kanto region, and Liko, a young woman from the Paldea...

8.50 7.61 1366

A single human infant dwells in a city of the dead that has long since been destroyed and is removed from human civilization. Will is being nurtured by three undead: Blood, a brave skeletal warrior; M...

6.70 725

The homeland of the Genesect exists no more. After three hundred million years, the snowy mountains where the Paleozoic Pokémon once lived are no longer habitable—but not all of the race are actual...

6.12 6.35 270

In Pokémon: The First Movie - Mewtwo Strikes Back, the story revolves around Mewtwo, a clone of the Legendary Pokémon Mew, created by Team Rocket using Mew's fossil. Initially intended to be a power...

7.41 7.65 425

In *Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva*, Professor Hershel Layton and his apprentice Luke Triton are drawn into an intriguing mystery after receiving tickets to an opera from Layton's former studen...

7.29 7.63 322

The Raimon team was invited to a soccer camp by Fifth Sector. However, the camp turned out to be a trap as Fifth Sector planned to eliminate them on the island called God Eden. Now, the Raimon team mu...

7.24 7.43 239

Nashiko Jippensha, a high school student from Onomichi City in Hiroshima Prefecture, is forced to leave her home. Seeking a place to hang out with her friends, she discovers her father's old mahjong p...


Tonbo Ooi, the main character, lost her parents in a car accident at a young age and was raised by her grandfather, Gonzou Ooi, a fisherman living on the island of Kagoshima in the Tokara Islands. Ton...

5.67 6.61 282