In "AD20XX," Hand Shakers takes place in Osaka. Tazuna Takatsuki, a high school student with a talent for mechanics, accepts a specific repair request and travels to a university research center throu...

3.10 5.28 516

Yashiro Isana has led a rather routine, uncomplicated life. He attends Ashinaka High School, a renowned high school that is situated on an island just outside the regions, and resides in the technolog...

7.00 7.45 383

Yashiro Isana has led a rather routine, uncomplicated life. He attends Ashinaka High School, a renowned high school that is situated on an island just outside the regions, and resides in the technolog...

7.00 7.57 546

Yuuki Kagami, a kid who enrolls in the honors program at the academy of his dreams, finds himself accidentally placed in the girls' dorm, where boys are not allowed, which is the focus of the story. Y...

5.90 6.06 517

Gena is a crocodile who, up until he obtains a box of oranges, has a lonely life in the city. He discovers a curious small creature inside the carton that he named Cheburashka. They engage in numerous...

6.80 6.46 644

Yashiro Isana has led a rather routine, uncomplicated life. He attends Ashinaka High School, a renowned high school that is situated on an island just outside the regions, and resides in the technolog...

7.00 7.44 459

Seven Stories will feature seven different stories. ...

7.00 7.41 538

Teppei Arima is introduced to the wealthy and affluent society by his grandfather after an automobile tragedy results in the death of his parents. Isshin Arima's opulent lifestyle astounds and impress...

6.00 6.70 519

The Akatsuki Special Ward, which is under siege by foreign groups, is a bloody battleground where its residents who are caught in the crossfire are abandoned. The Scard, vigilantes with extraordinary ...

6.00 5.86 576

Yukiya, who is "possibly" 14 years old, works alone as a DJ. He has listened to house music since he was a small child because of the influence of his father, and he posts videos online. He needs to c...

6.70 5.54 313