"W'z" is a Japanese anime series that serves as a sequel to the anime series "Hand Shakers." The story takes place in a world where certain individuals possess the ability to summon powerful weapons k...

5.74 360

When Saku decided to take in a stray black cat, she had no idea that he would evolve into a sort of domestic life partner. This cat, Yukichi, stands out as more than just an ordinary feline companion....

6.80 7.47 635

Kaede Komura works with Ai Mie and can't stop looking at her. He loves her eyes, especially behind her glasses. After getting to know her a bit, he notices she's squinting and her glasses are gone. Ev...

8.00 7.32 922

Rune Balot is weeping and trying to save both herself and a severely injured Oeufcoque from Shell's assassin Boiled. Luckily for her, Doctor Easter finally shows up in the Humpty Dumpty – a special ...

5.66 7.32 284

Ousai Academy was originally an all-girls high school. Due to the declining birth rates in recent years, it was converted into a co-ed school. The first year male students would find themselves surrou...

7.59 7.83 348

It seems there’s no synopsis available for this title. To help improve the database, you can consider writing a brief overview that captures the main themes and storyline. Here’s a suggestion: ...

7.58 7.77 268

In *K: Missing Kings*, a year has passed since the mysterious disappearance of Shiro, the Silver King. Kurou Yatogami and Neko are deeply committed to finding him, but their search proves fruitless. T...

7.55 7.63 216

As December rolls in, excitement fills the air for Anna Kushina's upcoming birthday. The boys of HOMRA, determined to make it special, plot a surprise party for their beloved "little princess." Ku...

7.49 7.62 232

Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.38 7.44 258

Sukuna Gojo, a young man disillusioned by his wealthy parents' oppressive control, escapes his privileged home. He ventures into the streets, relying on an SNS app called JUNGLE to sustain himself. Th...

7.02 7.15 188

Misaki Yata, a young man known for his impulsive and immature behavior, is ostracized by his classmates. Saruhiko Fushimi, a solitary figure with a pessimistic outlook on life, finds himself drawn to ...

7.23 7.44 192

Balot, a troubled teenager, is taken in by a casino manager named Shell who offers her a luxurious lifestyle. Grateful for his generosity, she becomes curious about his motives and starts investigatin...

7.24 7.42 239