Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a well-known detective and pianist, unexpectedly vanished without a trace about two years ago. The phrase "Blade Children," the only words Ayumu could make out i...

7.10 7.23 434

In the year 2999 AD, two factions—TERRA and NESS—are fighting it out in space for control of worlds. They engage in combat using spacecraft that, when destroyed, transfer their pilots back to the ...

6.50 6.05 459

Lapis is Sorcerland's princess. It's unfortunate that she isn't much smarter considering how stunning, strong, and charismatic she is. Even if it means destroying the kingdom, she would do whatever it...

5.70 5.96 456

Middle school student Seigi, who has training in martial arts, frequently feels compelled to defend those who are weaker than him. He once defended a homeless man from some punks, and in appreciation,...

5.40 5.75 484

Rino Rando, who has been living alone ever since her mother Chieri passed away, is followed as she enrolls in Miyagami Private Academy on the advice of her enigmatic pen pal Mr. Poppit. Rino unexpecte...

6.80 6.92 481

Yuuko Yoshida, a high school girl, wakes up with monster horns and a tail after having an odd dream about an enigmatic ancestor. Her mother tells her a terrible family secret while she is dazed and co...

6.90 7.65 467

Psychic talents may appear to be a blessing to the normal person, but for Kusuo Saiki, the opposite is true. He considers his wide range of supernatural gifts—which include everything from telepathy...

8.40 8.43 486

High school student Kusuo Saiki is endowed with a variety of psychic powers. While many people might consider these skills to be a blessing, Kusuo sees them as a burden because they force him to overc...

7.90 8.11 454

The young duke is sadly reminded of the heinous power imposed upon him—the ability to harm anything he touches—as the delicate, weak flower petals wither away into dead ashes. He is banished to a ...

7.20 7.64 577

The 20th century saw a major conflict between humanity and monsters. Since then, the monsters have terrorized the world while remaining largely hidden from the public's eyes. Bokka, a little boy, muse...

6.10 6.31 672

Mages randomly receive one of the four "crests" that indicate the range of their magical power at birth. The world's strongest sage, Gaius, was armed with a crest that specialized in creation and achi...

6.20 6.23 518

Who would have ever guessed that the most notorious mobster of his era now lives a simple home life? The famed "Immortal Dragon" Tatsu, best known for his frequent clashes with other gangs, has sudden...

7.30 7.16 478