"Maria Holic" is a comedy yuri (girls' love) anime based on the manga of the same name. The series focuses on a high school girl named Kanako Miyamae who transfers to the prestigious Ame no Kisaki Cat...

6.40 7.02 504

"Maria†Holic Alive" is the second season of the "Maria Holic" anime series. The story continues to follow Kanako Miyamae, a high school girl attending Ame no Kisaki Catholic girls' school, as she na...

6.23 6.96 570

The plot centers on Kouhei Morioka, a free-lance photographer, and Hazuki, a young woman descended from a royal vampire lineage. Kouhei visits a castle in Germany at the start of the narrative to capt...

6.70 6.95 433

After dealing with Evangeline, Negi leads the class on a trip to Kyoto in an effort to learn more about his father's whereabouts. However, he is forced to engage in combat with Eastern mages who are t...

6.10 6.69 454

Rebecca Miyamoto, a child prodigy homeroom teacher, and the antics of her class 1-C are the focus of Pani Poni Dash's main plot. The characters are students in a high school named Peach Moon Academy w...

6.60 7.44 494

Popotan is set in the far future amid the ruins of Tokyo, which were decimated by a catastrophe and have since undergone geological changes. An enormous spire-like dandelion construction that appeared...

6.30 6.27 326

Mayumi Doujima pledges her parents that if she is unable to locate a star she once saw in the distance by the time she becomes 14 years old, she will give up on her aspirations of becoming an astronau...

6.50 7.14 496

A middle school student called Madoka Kaname and her best friend Sayaka Miki come across a little, cat-like creature by the name of Kyubey in the fictional Japanese city of Mitakihara. It proposes a d...

8.20 8.36 471

High school alumnus Touma Inaba is vying for admission to the esteemed Keio University. On the day of the admission exam, after dismissing a strange call lady the previous evening, he meets and falls ...

6.30 6.16 503

Takeru Takemoto is a high school student who moonlights as a motorcycle courier. He stumbled into a jungle after seeing a weird light pass him while making one of his deliveries. What he discovered wa...

6.10 6.72 425

Koyomi Araragi, a third-year high school girl, is helped by Meme Oshino, a peculiar man living in an abandoned building, to survive a vampire attack. Despite being freed from vampirism and being a nor...

8.00 8.34 450