Keijo, the newest competitive sport in Japan, follows a straightforward set of rules: competitors must stand on circular platforms that float in a pool, known as "lands," with the objective being to k...

6.70 6.94 476

In Creamy Mami, a young girl named Yuu is given magical abilities for a year after seeing a spaceship. Poji and Nega, two cats, are also given to her to protect and mentor her. Yuu must put in a lot o...

6.61 517

Ryta Sat and Chika Koizumi have been close friends since they were young, even going so far as to pinky pledge to get married. Together with their group of pals Yki Asano, Kazumi Aihara, Natsumi Hirak...

6.90 7.20 528

A little boy named Faiya Orega, who adores Oreca tournaments, is the main character of the anime adaption. Due to the enigmatic abilities of the Pandora treasure chest, he is one day given the ability...

5.88 488

High school student Mikoto Shinozaki lacks social awareness. In addition, he is an easy target for bullies because of his messy look and low self-esteem. Regardless, Yuki Fukuzawa, the most popular st...

5.80 7.54 498

The mysterious Abyss is a terrible region filled with horrific creatures known as Chains and resembles a broken toy box. Most people think it's just a fairy tale made up to scare misbehaving kids. One...

7.20 7.67 489

By developing the "synchro chips," Yuuichirou Hikari, the father of Netto, achieved a technological milestone. A process known as "cross fusion" allows an operator and his or her navi to physically me...

6.80 7.13 510

Beast+ is billed as a stand-alone series, however it continues where Beast left off. The episodes are shortened to around ten minutes, and they air in Oha Coliseum's thirty-minute time slot alongside ...

6.80 6.80 99

The inhabitants of Earth are bathed in the dazzling light of a comet that is burning in the sky. The real world is then invaded by a massive army of viruses, which destroy everything in their path. Wh...

7.30 7.05 474

The world has advanced to radio-wave technology in the year 220X, and the Wave Road connects all of it. Meet Subaru Hoshikawa, a fifth-grader whose father perished in an accident in space. Subaru enco...

7.70 7.08 477

The second series will continue where the second video game left off, concentrating on the mythical continent of Mu. A handful of the vestiges of the ancient civilisation, known as UMAs, still exist a...

6.93 506