Spontaneous Human Combustion is a disorderly phenomena that has long afflicted humanity, turning regular humans into flaming, vicious beasts known as Infernals. The second and third generations of Hum...


An adaptation of the visual-novel by Key, Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito combines the story of the original work with an expansion that extends the narrative with content from the Hoshi no Hito light-nove...

7.65 7.82 330

Ippan Saibou is envious of the public praise immune system cells like white blood cells receive for protecting the human body from deadly pathogens. Instead of watching safely from his home, he also w...

7.27 7.36 236

The year is 1987 and 17-year-old Jotaro Kujo finds himself suddenly plagued by a ghost-like entity. Jotaro’s grandfather Joseph Joestar, a veteran of a fight to save humanity fifty years prior, arri...

6.10 7.10 136