Fifteen years after a cruise ship sank in a tragic accident, the luxury liner St. Aphrodite embarks on its maiden voyage, carrying Kogorou Mouri, his daughter Ran, Conan Edogawa, and the Detective Boy...

7.65 7.79 220

A string of serial murders linked to a prestigious music school has sent shockwaves through the community, with all victims having ties to the institution led by a renowned pianist. As the investigati...

7.56 7.78 220

Japan is hosting the WSG, a major sports event. A new high-speed train, the Vacuum Superconducting Linear, is set to open. At a party for sponsors, a kidnapping incident occurs. Shuichi Akai and the F...

7.46 7.75 226

Kaitou Kid and the artworks of Vincent van Gogh play significant roles in the movie, as noted in an interview with Gosho Aoyama. The teaser at the end of *Dimensional Sniper* references van Gogh's "Su...

7.65 7.72 161

The Aegis Destroyer is conducting public exercises in Maizuru Bay when a suspicious foreign ship is spotted. Conan and his friends attend the event but discover a crew member's severed arm. Conan susp...

8.42 7.67 252

In the autumn setting of Detective Conan: The Satsuki Cup Murder Case, a tense atmosphere envelops Nichiuri TV as the annual Satsuki Cup, celebrating Japan's traditional Hyakunin Isshu card game, unfo...

7.48 7.67 280

The third installment of the pentalogy (comprising 3 movies and 2 OVAs) presents a retelling of Kenshiro's final battle with Raoh....

7.34 7.56 280

With the Inter-high completed and summer coming to a close, Sakamichi trains hard alongside Imaizumi Shunsuke and Naruko Shoukichi to uphold Team Sohoku's spirit of mutual support, as entrusted to him...

7.29 7.56 210

Parallel Lovers is a story about Koyomi Hidaka, a seven-year-old boy who chooses to live with his father after his parents' divorce. His father, a researcher at the Japanese Institute of Virtual Scien...

7.24 7.40 146

The final installment of the Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu pentalogy is a prequel that takes place between Kenshiro's defeat by Shin and the start of the manga....

7.15 7.47 224

Kenshiro, a master of Hokuto Shinken, a deadly martial art, travels with Lynn and Bart. Kenshiro's brothers, Toki and Raoh, chose different paths. Toki uses his martial arts skills to heal people, whi...

7.24 7.45 261

The upcoming film will be a compilation of episodes from the second season of the anime, featuring enhanced visuals with new animation cuts. ...

7.23 7.43 238