TWWOTA was a 65-episode syndicated package featuring 195 seven-minute cartoon shorts. These shorts were divided into seven story categories: "Tex Avery," "Einstone," "Genghis & Khannie," "Freddy the F...

6.10 7.20 114

These adventures center on Sabrina as she trains at a witchcraft academy and include the rival character Cassandra (also known as 'Portia' from "Friends Forever"). ...

7.10 6.60 103

The series follows the business adventures of Radley, Elena, Jones, Lisa, their robot Starty, and their wise mentor, Warren Buffett. Each episode tackles different business scenarios that kids might f...

6.00 7.50 110

In the 22nd century, in New London, Inspector Beth Lestrade of New Scotland Yard is on the trail of the grotesquely deformed French rogue geneticist Martin Fenwick. During her pursuit, she uncovers th...

7.00 6.10 122

Five teenagers, Roger, Max, Caruso, Fiona, and Buzz, acquire the ability to transform into dinosaurs after being exposed to a mutating ooze during a school field trip. With the guidance of their myste...

6.70 6.70 66

Two groups of alien warriors crash on Earth: one benevolent, resembling herbivorous dinosaurs, and the other malevolent, resembling carnivorous dinosaurs. The herbivorous aliens team up with Earth chi...

7.20 7.00 88

The show follows the Lee brothers, who were separated at birth. Billy is raised by an elderly martial arts master known as the Oldest Dragon, while his brother Jimmy is brought up by the evil Shadow M...

7.50 7.70 114

The series features a Tyrannosaurus, a Triceratops, a Stegosaurus, and a Pteranodon who are transformed into super warriors by an interdimensional criminal named Argor Zardok. They rebel against Argor...

7.70 7.00 116

The gadget-savvy but absent-minded Inspector Gadget returns as the host of this series, providing insights and information about different regions around the world....

7.90 7.30 124

This cartoon NEVER had any bad guys on it. And it always kept the audience attention. The Popples Only revealed themselves to two children. Bonnie and Billy, Whose attic that they lived in.And later t...

6.20 6.30 20

The story of a young girl who tries her best to bring beauty and happiness to the Earth. She wears a magic belt known as the Color Belt which is activated by a handful of Star Sprinkles brings forth a...

6.80 6.90 20