Kai Nagisa, a typical high school student who aspires to one day compete in professional wrestling, is abruptly contacted by an Iczel robot. She is urged by Iczel to assist in defending Earth from Gea...

7.00 5.67 536

Sasami has always been somewhat neat, but she has recently ingested a healthy amount of magic (which she plans to use to right the things wrong with the Earth, and, of course, help keep her brother Te...

7.70 6.82 547

There there was a family that had a significant impact on how the Imperial Court was run. Despite having their own power, known as "Kidou," they were despised for it. Finally, the family patriarch was...

5.80 5.11 497

An underground fight between Pro Wrestling and the deadly and mysterious martial art known as Nanshin Shadow Stlye took place years ago to determine which discipline possessed the upper hand. The Nans...

6.91 508

Takumi Tsuzuki, a high school student, enrolls in the Umenomori Private Academy for free along with Fumino Serizawa, a childhood friend who consistently expresses her emotions in opposition to what sh...

6.10 6.67 497

Oraku is fortunate. He is a contented teacher at a nearby high school. Satsuki, a colleague teacher, is someone he has and plans to marry in the future. Aya, a stunning student, has developed feelings...

5.20 5.51 517

Young motorcycle fanatic Shougo Yahagi resides in a world of hot rods, heavy rock, and J-pop idols. Unaware that they are being watched by a computer program posing as pop idol wonder Eve, the general...

6.70 6.78 533

Junpei Kousaka, a second-year high school student, has a cat allergy, which has caused him to despise cats and anything associated with them. To his dismay, he is surrounded by cat lovers, including h...

7.10 7.14 467

Hiroshi Kuzumi, 15, and his family relocate to the mountain village of Jouga due to his father's employment. While some teenagers might worry about fitting in or experience a sense of alienation in a ...

5.90 6.31 437

In the movie R-15, a boy named Taketo Akutagawa attends Inspiration Academy Private High School, a school exclusively for geniuses. Taketo is a brilliant author of erotica. He strives to be at the top...

5.70 6.44 437

In the high school, Murasame Sumika is well-liked for her excellence in both sports and academics. She is secretly in love with Kazama Ushio, a classmate, though. Although Ushio enjoys seeing girls in...

6.90 7.06 484

The universe of Seven Knights Revolution: Eiyuu no Keishousha is one where brave heroes battled the powers of "Destruction" ages ago. The strength of these warriors was eventually absorbed by "success...

7.20 7.68 481