Meet Haru Tennouji, a charismatic communicator beloved by all, regardless of age or gender. He may come across as easygoing, but beneath that façade lies an unwavering ambition for success. When offe...
5.14 6.82 149Himura Kenshin is a vagabond with a dark past and sunny disposition. Not a ronin but a rurouni, he was never a samurai, but an assassin of utmost skill in the Meiji restoration, who in the turning poi...
6.77 7.14 162Rookie teacher Haruaki Abe is as cowardly as they come. It's hard enough for him to handle human students without whimpering-and now he's going to be teaching at a school full of monsters?! It's a cla...
5.88 6.57 246Not a lot of people know that one of the most talented and ruthless Mahjong players in the city is a young high school boy. Kei is a teenager of few words, but his observation skills, unwavering will ...
5.67 6.34 127We follow Andy, a young girl who dreams of becoming the greatest pro wrestler of all time. She sets out into the bizarre and colorful Wrestling World, determined to make a name for herself. ...
7.23 92Every morning, 11-year-olds, Nate and Malika leave home 30 minutes early to go to school, and yet every morning they arrive late. That's because every morning, something AMAZING happens on the way. Bu...
7.40 7.60 57Join your favorite DC heroes as they work together to save citizens from evil-doers and their nefarious plans of world domination. ...
6.50 52