For Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan with a vivid imagination and a quick temper, life is not easy. She unexpectedly ends up being escorted to the Cuthbert home in Avonlea. Marilla and Matthew Cuth...

The Pink Panther is a homeless man who spends Christmastime traveling a large metropolis in the early 20th century. He's cold, hungry, and there's snow on the ground. The cartoon shows his struggles t...

The misadventures of Daffy Duck and friends....

A young kid named Jim Hawkins is propelled by unfolding events to go out on a quest for the fabled loot of the infamous pirate Captain Flint. Jim's best buddy John Silver takes over the ship as they g...

Battle of the Planets cast five young people as G-Force, consisting of Mark, Jason, Princess, Keyop, and Tiny. G-Force protects Earth from planet Spectra and other attacks from beyond space. The most ...

Tetsuro Hoshino, a ten-year-old from a poor family, longs for an immortal machine body that will grant him the freedom that only the mechanized can experience. The Andromeda Galaxy is the destination ...

The super-elastic Mr. Fantastic, the force field-wielding Invisible Girl, the orange rock-covered Thing and the data-crammed robot Herbie make up a team of superheroes dedicated to thwarting would-be ...

The Freedom Force features five legendary heroes. Joining the returning strongman Hercules are the magician Merlin, super-adventurer Sinbad, armored giant of the East, Super Samurai, and the beauteous...

Nugget Nose follows the spirited adventures of a feisty ghost prospector who rides his invisible horse across the Wild West. Serving as a quirky guardian to two teenage cowgirls, Wendy and Rita, who w...

Yogi Bear and his friends enter a race to different galaxies in space, but must battle a variety of space creatures out to see that they don't finish the race. - See more at: