Animated series based on the classic comic strip by Hank Ketcham. America's most well-known little terror, Dennis the Menace, gets into numerous scrapes and adventures with his dog Ruff and his friend...
7.90 6.10 121The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin follows the journey of young Teddy Ruxpin as he departs from his home on the island of Rillonia, accompanied by his best friend Grubby. They embark on a quest guided by ...
6.70 6.60 119Four elite Galaxy Rangers with unique abilities defend law & order among the space colonies and protect humanity from the evil Crown Empire....
6.80 7.20 123The Care Bears live in a faraway place up in the clouds called Care-a-Lot, which constitutes a part of the Kingdom of Caring. With the help of the Cousins and their Buddies, they go all around the wor...
6.50 7.60 104The series continues the adventures of the Ghostbusters, featuring secretary Janine, accountant Louis, and their mischievous mascot, Slimer. Together, they hunt down and capture rogue spirits across N...
7.20 6.80 103Two earth teenagers are accepted into the InterGalactic high school, Galaxy High School on the asteroid Flutor. The teenage boy, Doyle, was a skilled athlete and popular, while the teenage girl Aimee ...
6.90 7.50 111This cartoon NEVER had any bad guys on it. And it always kept the audience attention. The Popples Only revealed themselves to two children. Bonnie and Billy, Whose attic that they lived in.And later t...
6.20 6.30 19Pound Puppies cartoon was inspired by the Tonka Toys line and centers on 11-year old Holly and her dog friends Cooler, Whopper, Nose Marie, and Howler at the Wagga Wagga Pound who work hard to find ha...
6.40 6.50 18In Japan, the nation that served as the model for the catchphrase "Born to be Mild," young men's blood still boils. In the past, they would go into the countryside and fight each other with swords, bu...
7.80 7.20 479