Set in the fictional town of Acme Acres, the series tracks the adventures of a group of young cartoon characters attending Acme Looniversity, where they train to become the next generation of Looney T...

6.30 6.30 122

In 1904, author and playwright J.M. Barrie created a character destined to be beloved by generations of theater and filmgoers: Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The well-known story depicts ho...

7.20 7.30 16

The New Kids on the Block animated series, released in 1990, is a musical adventure show inspired by the popular boy band New Kids on the Block. The show follows the group members—Donnie, Jordan, Jo...

6.40 17

The series picks up five years after The Great Tomato War (much as the film Return Of The Killer Tomatoes did), where tomatoes are banned. However that has not stopped Dr. Putrid T. Gangreen from enga...

6.50 7.00 109

Everyone thought King Koopa had left the Mushroom Kingdom. Then his Doom Ship attacked! King Koopa is back with the greatest danger ever known: his Koopa kids. Using their new powers, the Super Mario ...

6.80 7.40 89

Bobby Generic is a boy with an overactive imagination who conjures up exciting adventures in his mind. Through his creativity, he transforms everyday situations into thrilling escapades, taking himsel...

7.60 7.70 97

In 1990, to capitalize on the publicity surrounding "The Wizard of Oz" movie's fiftieth anniversary, Turner Entertainment Co. and DIC produced a thirteen-episode animated series. The show aired on ABC...

7.00 6.10 100

An updated version of the classic Tom & Jerry cartoons from the 1940s and 1950s. The 'kids' in these cartoons are much less violent than their predecessors but still manage to create plenty of chaos f...

6.00 7.40 94

The series centers on the adventures of bush pilot, Baloo the bear, whose air cargo freight business, "Baloo's Air Service", is taken up by Rebecca Cunningham who has a young daughter named Molly. Upo...

6.90 7.10 86

In this sequel series to "He-Man," the story unfolds 10,000 years into the future, where Prince Adam is unexpectedly transported from his time to defend Planet Primus. Here, he faces a new threat from...

7.40 6.80 119

In Japan's Tensho Era 500 years ago, a man named Kabuto was born who defied the will of a demon, had gods of good on his side, and was destined to fight evil. The evil Black Night Demon Kuroyasya Douk...

6.90 6.40 534

A cruel and avaricious baron named Alwine gave the order to burn down the Huntingtons' castle in Nottingham County some centuries ago. Robin and his cousins Will, Winifred, and Barbara miraculously es...

7.30 7.09 518