The comedic bird drives everyone around him wild with his zany antics and unpredictable behavior. Whether he's pulling pranks, making witty remarks, or getting into absurd situations, his relentless e...

7.80 6.70 119

Parents should be aware that this tween cartoon, a spin-off of the live-action sitcom Sabrina, the Teenage Witch, features lighthearted witch humor similar to its predecessor. The storylines revolve a...

6.10 7.60 111

The story centers on the adventures of two ordinary kids, Emmy and Max, who discover a dragonscale and begin to socialize with their dragon friends: Ord, Cassie, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal. They embark...

7.70 6.60 113

The Guylos Empire and the Helic Republic engaged in war before the series began, which resulted in a ceasefire. Van finds the organoid Zeke in ruins close to his hamlet while being pursued by a gang o...

7.90 7.36 521

Sakura Kinomoto, the guardian of the Clow Cards, successfully seals the Arrow Card with the assistance of her friends Syaoran Li, Cerberus, Tomoyo Daidoji, and Meiling Li. That night, Sakura has a str...

7.20 7.00 182

On the "Spooner Continent," a brave band of Sorcerer Hunters serves as the last line of defense for the populace against the pernicious dark magick that is occasionally let loose by those who are powe...

5.80 5.91 489

In "Cardcaptor Sakura: The Movie," Sakura Kinomoto’s excitement is palpable as she wins a trip to Hong Kong during the Tomoeda Shopping District's year-end lottery. Accompanied by her loyal friends�...

7.55 7.63 220

The series portrays the misadventures of a group of urban teens as they navigate their daily lives and the challenges they face. ...

7.80 6.20 82

Ebichu the hamster appears to be the ideal home pet because she goes above and above to please her mysterious owner, "Office Lady," by cleaning, shopping, cooking, and doing laundry (OL). Unfortunatel...

7.50 7.37 493

The Demon King was a fearsome warrior who lived in feudal Japan in the distant past. He was in command of the Kyouma, a group of demons. Only the combined might of 10 warriors was able to seal the Dem...

5.50 5.27 466

The title character and a large cast of his aquatic companions serve as the series' central characters. The lively and cheerful yellow sea sponge SpongeBob SquarePants resides in a submerged pineapple...

8.20 8.90 1135