The plot revolves around Tosuke Rokudo, who is frequently bullied at school. He receives a package from his grandfather one day, and inside is a scroll that grants him an unknown power. Tosuke believe...
6.50 6.18 561The premise of the anime sees theater experiencing a worldwide boom due to the advent of performers called Dai Stars. The story will follow 16-year-old Kokona, who aspires to be a World Dai Star and j...
6.40 6.74 717"Perception Art" has been around for about ten years in the art world. It has now permeated the entire globe and is an active part of people's lives. Kazuya Yamanashi, the son of famous "artists" and ...
5.40 5.70 358Liza Luna has been dispatched to Earth by the space empire Azatos. At first, she thought that it would be fine to destroy the Earth, since it has a low level of civilization. However, after stopping a...
783The rumored "Grim Reaper" possessing the ability to curse others by touch alone, Akane Nishimura, is just a regular elementary school girl with a gloomy appearance. Due to constant bullying from her c...
7.10 7.40 760The anime series takes place in a futuristic setting where humanity has relocated to the Moon as a response to Earth's climate alterations. It will introduce exclusive elements specific to the anime, ...
5.21 5.68 783Bosanimal is a collection of Sanrio characters that represent a diverse group of animals. Unlike typical animals, they possess the ability to think philosophically and share their thoughts and opinion...
306The people of the kingdom look down on the young Prince Bojji, who can neither hear nor speak. They call him "The Useless Prince" while jeering at his supposed foolishness....
8.50 7.27 532Mario and Luigi, two Italian-American brothers, just opened a plumbing company in Brooklyn, much to the chagrin of their bitter ex-employer Spike and the displeasure of their father. Mario and Luigi t...
7.30 8.70 394The story follows the clumsy apprentice witch Fûka as she accidentally breaks the seal of a dark witch who nearly brought about the world's destruction. ...
455Follows the klutzy apprentice witch Fûka when she breaks the seal of a dark witch who once almost destroyed the world. ...
5.24 6.37 229