Sawako Kuronuma, known as "Sadako," is misconstrued to be fearsome and evil like her fictional counterpart, Sadako, despite having a shy and kind demeanor. This is because of how similar the two women...
7.80 8.00 519Gena is a crocodile who, up until he obtains a box of oranges, has a lonely life in the city. He discovers a curious small creature inside the carton that he named Cheburashka. They engage in numerous...
6.80 6.46 644Miracle Train is also known as Chuo-sen e Youkoso. While the new anime and its associated stories deal with the Oedo subway line, the original Miracle Train initiative concentrated on the stations ...
6.90 6.47 508A man's childhood summer memories are still going strong. He has ties to the ghost of a young woman from the World War 2 era who is still on the verge of being a child and a man. She and the ghosts of...
7.00 7.28 468Twin sisters Riko and Rimu Mikogami reside in the naturally beautiful Japanese city of Kamihama. The two discover a weird Kirumin compact in an attic on an otherwise calm day while looking for a stray...
7.70 7.13 640Unchou Kan'u, Chouhi Yokutoku, and Shokatsuryou Koumei get ready for the next leg of their adventure after winning the battle for Touka Village and getting rid of the area's bandits. They come upon a ...
6.80 6.80 458Before Casper is permanently exiled to the Valley of the Shadows, he must be able to pass the Scare School. Along with the students who attend there, he has various experiences. ...
4.30 385Teenage pervert Tomoki Sakurai frequently dreams of encountering an angel and lives by the mantra, "Peace and quiet are the greatest." When he has to put up with people like Sohara Mitsuki, his next-d...
7.20 7.28 493This is the last stage of Kagome, Miroku, Sango, Shippou, and their neko-mata companion Kirara's journey to stop the elusive demon Naraku and all the mayhem and evil he has brought about, and to ultim...
8.50 8.20 553Ichigo Amano, a clumsy girl who has a profound passion for eating cakes, has never been good at anything. Ichigo's extraordinary tasting abilities—unbeknownst to her—are revealed following a meeti...
7.80 7.84 392