The protagonist of the novel is Rin Okumura, who was raised by exorcist Father Shiro Fujimoto along with his younger twin Yukio Okumura. One day, Rin discovers that he and Yukio are the children of th...
7.50 7.51 595Ten years later, the focus of the narrative changes to Ganta Igarashi, a seemingly common 9th grader attending a middle school in Nagano Prefecture. Ganta has led a typical life despite being an escap...
7.10 7.20 572"C - Control: The Money and Soul of Possibility" (also known as [C] The Money of Soul and Possibility Control) is an anime series that explores the intertwined relationships between money, power, an...
6.60 7.19 564The scenario of the narrative includes Butei ("war scout"), a national certification created to combat global crime situations which are getting worse. Butei is short for buso tantei ("armed detective...
6.50 6.82 634Jinta Yadomi, a tranquil loner, spends his days at home playing video games rather than attending school. His childhood friend Meiko "Menma" Honma pesters him to fulfill a forgotten wish one hot summe...
8.20 8.32 531The setting of the novel includes Butei, also known as buso tantei, a national certification created to combat global crime trends that are only becoming worse. The Butei holders are qualified to use ...
6.50 6.81 524Moving live with his aunt Meme Twa after changing schools is Makoto Niwa. He thought his aunt lived alone, so when he meets his first cousin Erio, he is perplexed. Erio does not go to school and spend...
6.60 7.14 661Gallia and the East Europan Imperial Alliance are engaged in the Second Europa War, and the Nameless, a prisoner military unit, is on the run from both superpowers. The Nameless, considered rebels by ...
7.20 7.28 495Hana is assigned to Sasha as his replacement for Maria. In order to look for a Qwaser-related relic known as the Magdalena of Thunder that has emerged in one of the kids, they enter a school for only ...
5.70 6.32 416Kazuma Hoshino is getting ready to enter a new phase of his adolescence. His brother Ayumu's parents decided it would be best for the family to relocate from the city to a more rural setting due to Ay...
6.20 6.71 509The plot, which takes place in the not-too-distant future in a place named Heartland City, centers on Yuma Tsukumo, a teenage duelist who, while being an amateur, aspires to win the Duel Monsters cham...
5.10 6.37 591Astarotte Ygvar, a succubus princess and the first princess of the kingdom of Ygvarland, has just turned ten years old in the medieval fantasy world of lfheimr. For a juvenile succubus, the age of ten...
6.30 6.52 525