The show follows the adventures of 12-year-old twins Dipper and Mabel Pines, whose summer plans are derailed when their parents send them to stay with their Great Uncle Stan in the fictional town of G...
7.00 7.40 147After a terrorist attack, the Japanese government grants more power to the MBC. The MBC targets author Kurato Touma because of similarities between his novel and the attack. Journalist Maki Orikuchi a...
7.65 7.73 262Tenderheart Bear, Cheer Bear, Grumpy Bear, Share Bear, Harmony Bear, Funshine Bear, and new energetic, inquisitive cub Wonderheart Bear all go in adventures that emphasize messages of sharing and cari...
5.40 424The series centers on a young boy named Ray, who has the unique ability to form friendships with and battle alongside fantastical creatures from a parallel dimension. As evil forces seek to enslave th...
7.10 7.40 113Gamilas, an alien race, first contacted Earth in 2191. When the first attempt at peaceful communication with the Gamilas was unsuccessful, intergalactic conflict ensued. Even though it was outmatched ...
8.20 8.34 448PES: Peace Eco Smile, a new web promotional anime series, is the result of a partnership between the Japanese carmaker and the Japanese animation studio Studio 4°C. It centers on PES, a space travele...
5.58 506"Detective Conan," also known as "Case Closed," is a popular Japanese manga and anime series that has spawned a multitude of spin-offs, including movies, TV specials, and Original Video Animations (OV...
8.50 7.02 550Beck is a young program who rises to become the skilled leader of a revolution within the computer world known as The Grid. His mission is to liberate his home and friends from the oppressive rule of ...
7.50 7.00 101