The protagonist of the manga is a young woman named Yokoi who sits next to a young man only known as Seki-kun. Seki-kun continues to be a disruptive student in class by inventing beautiful tiny divers...
7.20 7.55 615The Western Planet and the Eastern Planet existed in the past. The "Dragon Pulse" crossing the heavens connected the two sides. The once-prosperous society has now become a story of dreams as the worl...
6.30 6.65 466Super Sonico is an 18-year-old college student who plays guitar for the three-girl band Fastest Speed in Space and models for pin-ups. In spite of her busy schedule, she still finds time to her grandm...
5.70 6.07 495Saki Miyanaga and the rest of the Kiyosumi High School mahjong team advance to the Interhigh Mahjong Championship's national finals. However, she will encounter opponents with skills comparable to or ...
7.20 7.41 489Kal-el Albus is dispatched to Isla, an island in the sky, to discover the "end of the sky," as described in ancient legend. He attends the aerial division of Cadoques High there and lives carefree wit...
7.10 7.16 484Aoba Watase, a typical high school student, is abruptly saved by his enigmatic classmate Hina Yumihara from being attacked by a huge robot known as a "Valiancer." Hina abruptly sends Aoba 70 years int...
7.10 7.13 496The space opera chronicles the antics of Dandy, an alien bounty hunter and "a dandy guy in space," as he searches for unknown and uncommon aliens with the help of his robot aide QT and his feline comp...
8.10 7.88 492Ayaka Kagari, the "Princess" of Tougetsu High School, was nothing more than an unattainable idol for Honoka Takamiya, despite the fact that they rode the same bus to school every day and were seated n...
6.70 7.01 474The plot centers on "Team Z," a new group of "Toei robot females" made up of Mazinger Z, Great Mazinger, and UFO Robot Grendizer from Toei's Mazinger Z franchise. They typically participate in events ...
5.90 6.46 681