(English: Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) High school student Chiyo Sakura has a crush on schoolmate Umetarou Nozaki, but when she confesses her love to him, he mistakes her for a fan and gives her an a...
8.00 6.90 131In this whimsical series, young Chloe sparks her imagination by transforming her room into a magical world through dress-up adventures. Accompanied by her beloved dolls—Lovely Carrot, Wizz, and Sogg...
7.20 382Momoka Sonokawa is molested by a man on the train to her new middle school, but she is ultimately saved by a girl brandishing two pistols. The female is revealed to be Momoka's senior Miou Ootori, who...
7.40 7.35 422"Jinsei: Life Consulting" is a comedic slice-of-life anime series based on the light novel series "Jinsei" written by Ougyo Kawagishi. The story revolves around Yuki Akamatsu, a boy who joins his s...
5.80 6.47 561The "Hypergate," an ancient alien artifact that may enable colonization of Mars and near-instantaneous passage to and from Mars, was found on the surface of the Moon in 1972 during the Apollo 17 missi...
7.20 7.40 560Seishuu Handa is a rising calligrapher who is young, attractive, brilliant, and regrettably, narcissistic. When a veteran calls his prize-winning work "unoriginal," Seishuu loses his cool and faces se...
8.20 8.39 409In the first episode of this series, Tokugawa Ieyasu betrays and kills Toyotomi Hideyoshi. In front of the forthcoming Battle of Sekigahara, several parties begin to create alliances. ...
7.40 6.86 462In 1972, the Apollo 17 mission discovered a hypergate to Mars on the surface of the moon. Soon a war breaks out between Earth and Mars, and Martian soldiers begin to descend from the sky, riding steel...
7.40 7.00 118The anime will tell an original story set 15 years after the novel's story. It takes place at a fictional theater called Hollywood Tokyo in Harajuku, where members of the idol group "Shounen Hollywood...
6.30 7.60 108New Sailor Moon anime commemorating the 20th anniversary of Sailor Moon. Usagi Tsukino is a second-year middle school girl who is a little clumsy and a crybaby, but she is full of energy. One day, she...
7.40 7.10 124Every little girl looks forward to the day she will receive her unique ticket, allowing her admission into the PriPara realm (Prism Paradise). In PriPara, there are daily auditions for a chance to bec...
7.48 419