Alyssa, a solitary witch dwelling in the depths of the forest, stumbles upon a human infant one fateful day. Despite her initial bewilderment, Alyssa bestows upon the child the name Viola and makes th...

6.60 6.66 637

Alyssa, a witch who lives alone in the forest, picks up a human baby one day. Despite her confusion, Alyssa named the baby Viola and decided to raise her. 16 years later, Viola had not only grown into...

6.70 6.41 493

Second year high school student Rakurou Hizutome is interested in one thing only: finding “shitty games” and beating the crap out of them. His gaming skills are second to none, and no game is too ...

7.60 7.99 560

Freelance photographer Kouya Madoka is experiencing a slump for a particular reason. While covering a story at the Fuji International Speedway, he encounters high school F4 racer Haruka Asahina, reign...

7.20 7.41 405

In the kingdom of Slantania, a miasmic force has plagued humanity since time immemorial, bringing forth monsters that wreak havoc. When the Order of Knights fails to contain the chaos, the Grand Magus...

7.10 500

Three budding firefighters are on a mission to protect Japan and evolve in their roles. Daigo Toake is a prodigy, fueled by unmatched passion and skill. Shun Onoda wrestles with his own obstacles, loo...

7.40 6.81 778

Isaku never asked to be the daughter of a yakuza boss, but when her parents died in a car accident when she was 5, her gangster grandfather took her in and raised her as part of the clan. After years ...

6.41 710

The demon king has been defeated, and the victorious hero party returns home before disbanding. The four—mage Frieren, hero Himmel, priest Heiter, and warrior Eisen—reminisce about their decade-lo...

8.80 8.94 881

Nocturne revolves around Richter, a young man tormented by the memory of his mother's tragic death at the hands of the vampire Olrox, played by Zahn McClarnon. Fate throws him together with the spirit...

8.40 610

The show is set in mythical ancient Greece and centers on a flawed family of humans, gods and monsters trying to run one of the world’s first cities without killing each other. ...

5.80 459

Business deals are usually made through meetings and contracts; but in the world of Kengan Ashura, businesses resort to other means to make their decisions: by hiring gladiators. Yabako Sandrovich's K...


The series centers around Jessica, Craig's younger sister, who is a vibrant, self-reliant, and spirited first-grader in the Creek. She sets off on her own captivating adventures, navigating a world th...