Tales of Wedding Rings is about two very different worlds. One is modern Japan and the other is the Kingdom of Earlshide, where magic and fantastical beings live. At the center of the story are two hi...
0 2023-06-18Exciting news for Kingdom fans! Season 5's release date has been officially set for the spring of 2024. This season will deepen the stories of fan-favorite characters and take them on brand new advent...
0 2024-01-01The Witch and the Beast is an acclaimed anime series that aired in 2022. The series tells the story of an orphan girl named Ayla and a mysterious beast named Aslan. Together, they explore a fantastica...
0 2024-01-05Metallic Rouge is an original anime series produced by the Bones studio for its 25th anniversary, with the first season airing in January 2024. Blending action and science fiction genres, the anime ha...
0 2024-01-03We have great news for "A Sign of Affection" fans! An official confirmation for the next season of the hit BL series has been given and some exciting information about what will happen in the new seas...
0 2024-01-06Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy is an anime series based on the light novel series of the same name by Makoto Misumi. Its first season aired in July 2021 and consists of 12 episodes. Fans of the series ...
0 2023-11-12The plot revolves around a young woman named Guideau, cursed by a witch, and a mysterious man named Ashaf, full of secrets. Guideau embarks on a journey with Ashaf to break her curse and avenge her fa...
0 2024-01-08Usato, the main character of the anime, is an ordinary high school student. One day, he is summoned to another world with two friends. In this world, Usato is revealed to have an extraordinary talent ...
0 2024-01-01Released in 2024, a new anime series has quickly gained immense popularity around the world. This anime, titled Chained Soldier, focuses on a soldier fleeing war and embarks on a dangerous journey wit...
0 2024-01-05Tsukimichi: Moonlight Fantasy, one of Japan's most popular light novel series, returns to screens with its second season. The first season of the anime series was released in 2021....
0 2024-01-06The 2nd episode of the anime adaptation of Solo Leveling, one of the most popular webtoon series in the world, was released on January 16, 2024. The episode started with E-level hunter Sung Jin-Woo's ...
0 2024-01-06Japanese animation studio Bones has released a new original anime series, Metallic Rouge, to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Set on Mars, the series follows Rouge Redstar, an android girl, as she batt...
0 2024-01-02