Girlfriend, Girlfriend NEWS
Based on the manga series of the same name by Japanese mangaka Reiji Miyajima, Girlfriend, Girlfriend is a comedy romance anime series that began airing in the summer of 2023 and quickly became a big hit in the anime world.
The plot begins when 17-year-old Naoya Mukai starts dating his childhood sweetheart, Saki Saki, only to find out one day that Nagisa Minase, a student at the same school, is also in love with him. Naoya rejects Nagisa because of his love for Saki, but Nagisa doesn't give up and asks Naoya to be together, telling him that she loves him too. Although Naoya is afraid of betraying Saki, he cannot resist Nagisa's insistence and starts dating her as well.
The series stars Sora Amamiya as Naoya Mukai, Hina Suguta as Saki Saki, and Inori Minase as Nagisa Minase.
When Girlfriend, Girlfriend began airing in the summer of 2023, it made a big splash in the anime world with both its plot and characters. The series' structure, which also blends ecchi and harem genres, received positive reactions from viewers.
The first season of the series ended on July 14, 2023. However, it was announced that the second season of the series will also come. It is not yet clear when the second season will be released.
Girlfriend, Girlfriend is a must-watch series for anime lovers in the comedy romance genre. The series has a story that will make viewers laugh and warm their hearts.