Goblin Slayer NEWS
Goblin Slayer, written by Kumo Kagyu and illustrated by Masahiro Ikeno, is a highly popular light novel series published since 2016. The series tells the story of Goblin Slayer, an adventurer who fights against goblins, which are considered low-level monsters.
The first anime season of Goblin Slayer was released in 2018 and was a huge success. The anime received positive reviews from critics and viewers for its violent scenes and dark story.
It has been announced that season 2 of Goblin Slayer will air on October 6, 2023. LIDENFILMS, who shot the first season of the anime, will continue to shoot season 2.
Season 2 will focus on volumes 4 and 5 of the series. In this season, we will witness new adventures of the Goblin Slayer and new characters.