Return to the Planet of the Apes is a short-lived animated series, by DePatie-Freleng Enterprises in association with 20th Century Fox Television, based upon Planet of the Apes by Pierre Boulle. Boull...
6.40 6.50 15Wacky and Packy chronicled the adventures of Wacky, a Neanderthal man, and Packy, his pet mastodon, as they were time-warped into the 20th century....
6.10 7.10 111Buenos Aires resident and high school student Johnny Rico is undecided about his career goals. He enlists in the Federal Military in the intention of pursuing his boyhood sweetheart Carmen into space ...
7.70 6.19 383The series follows the heartwarming and comedic adventures of a 40-foot purple ape and his clever, wisecracking canine friend. Together, they navigate a whimsical world, tackling challenges with humor...
6.70 7.00 88After Emperor Gore and the Reptilian empire is defeated, a new enemy, Emperor Burai and his Hyakki empire rises and threatens to take over Earth. Ryoma, Hayato, and newcomer Benkei pilot the new Gette...
7.30 6.53 541The powerful Great Mazinger joins forces with the Getta Robot to combat an invincible space monster. ...
6.06 337A brown mouse named Gamba and a pal from his youth set sail. At a harbor, they collect seasoned mouse sailors. They come across Chta, a wounded mouse who is looking for assistance. He begs Gamba and B...
7.80 7.24 557The Demon Empire awakens after a 12-millennia-long nap to conquer Earth. Akira Hibiki, a young Japanese boy, is revealed to be the only survivor of the ancient Mu people who must assist Reideen in def...
6.70 6.48 390Less than 200 pages make up the first edition of Bonsels' book. The relationship between Maya and her numerous adventures is at the heart of the plot. Maya is a bee that is born during internal str...
6.70 6.49 613Living in a little village close to Antwerp with his grandfather Jehan, Nello Tarth is an impoverished but content orphan. Nello has a gift for drawing, and he's been fascinated by it ever since he wa...
8.10 7.37 569An alien civilization known as the Gamilas (Gamilons in the English Star Blazers dub) attacks Earth in the year 2199 with radioactive meteorite bombs, making the planet's surface uninhabitable. The ex...
8.10 7.57 458The International Secret Police Agency's director, Onigawara, was eager to develop Takeshi into a top-notch criminal investigator. Takeshi received instruction, which helped him develop into a skilled...
7.70 6.48 510