Gilligan's Planet is a spin-off of The New Adventures of Gilligan, based on the premise that the Professor had managed to build an operational interplanetary spaceship to get the castaways of the orig...
6.40 7.00 119Unlike the live-action The Incredible Hulk TV series, which wound up the year this was produced, this series was based more closely upon the Hulk comic-book - being an animated series, it was able to ...
7.50 7.50 104In this charming animated series, Andy LeBeau, the angelic character originally portrayed by Gary Coleman in "The Kid with the Broken Halo," descends to Earth to help children navigate their everyday ...
8.00 6.50 93Set in the 17th century, the story follows a young Dogtanian (D'Artacan in the original Spanish and Darutaniyan in the Japanese version, voiced by Satomi Majima) as he travels to Paris to become one o...
6.80 7.20 113The Little Rascals had previously been adapted into animation for television on two occasions. In the 1960s, a series of clay-animated Little Rascals Color Specials were created for syndication, likel...
7.10 7.00 124Harlock: Space Pirate is a tale of rebellion against the tyrannical Illumidus Empire, which has conquered Earth. Drawing parallels to the U.S. occupation of Japan after World War II, the story follows...
7.28 7.48 222When local teacher Midori Yamabuki receives an emergency summons to her home planet it turns out to be a trap devised by galactic warlord Dr. Mashirito, and it's up to Dr. Senbei Norimaki and a group ...
6.12 6.37 154The story takes place 600 years after Jupiter was obliterated, when the Bakufu administration had brought peace to the Solar System. However, a man by the name of Dan Condor decides to form a new J9 s...
6.25 389Aoba Shunsuke, a transfer student, found Sunshine School deserted when he arrived. Unaware that it was Foundation Day and a rest day for the school, he was secretly delighted to be the first to arrive...
8.10 6.68 463The Randou family, led by scientist Tatsuya Randou, travels the world in search of ancient ruins to learn the truth about the legend of Quetzalcoatl, which holds the key to a priceless treasure. Howev...
6.90 5.89 495With one notable exception, atarillo! is situated in a world that is largely similar to our own. It is based on a popular manga for teenage Japanese females called bishounen, which includes a sizable ...
7.20 7.19 447"Earl Dracula" (as Osamu Tezuka's official website refers to him in English) has relocated to Japan after spending a number of years in Transylvania. He has moved into an old-Western-style home in Tok...
6.20 6.01 498