Teen misfits Roma, Toto, and Drop call themselves the "Don Glees," an informal name for their backyard adventures. One day, when the trio gets blamed for a nearby forest fire, they set off into the wo...
5.12 7.55 322This story centers around a young protagonist born with a unique blend of chicken and hare features. Desperate to belong and be accepted despite his differences, he is driven by a relentless desire fo...
6.30 6.20 197When your dad is the “world’s longest dachshund,” it puts a whole new twist on growing up! The series follows stay-at-home dad Pretzel, his mayor wife Greta and their five adorable puppies, in t...
7.70 7.80 13Alice, the great-granddaughter of the original heroine, is a budding young baker at the enchanted Wonderland Bakery, she explores the kingdom on various culinary adventures with her best pals. ...
6.80 628The story follows Catwoman as she tries to steal a priceless jewel, which puts her in the crosshairs of a powerful villain consortium, Interpol, and Batwoman. ...
5.60 5.50 193Ryo Hazuki dedicates his life to identifying the person responsible after witnessing his father's death at the family dojo; his search leads him from the slums of Yokosuka, Japan, to the vast city of ...
7.50 6.72 484All the food in other worlds is produced in the kingdom of CooKingdom. The kingdom's priceless treasure, the Recipe-Bon, is nonetheless taken by a group of phantom thieves known as the "Bundle Gang," ...
7.50 7.21 591A young boy discovers he is not the only one that is able to stop the time....
4.08 238Corporate badminton is not as simple as it first appears. Mikoto Shiratori, a former child prodigy, hasn't been playing to his full ability for Mitsuhoshi Bank as a badminton player. Due to a previous...
7.00 7.39 538A badminton prodigy with the gift of foresight named Mikoto Shiratori is sacked from Mitsuhoshi Banking after losing a match for their company's badminton team, and Sunlight Beverage hires him to play...
7.00 7.42 455After saving the realm from evil and destruction at the hands of the most terrifying power couple in Exandria, Vox Machina is faced with saving the world once again-this time, from a sinister group of...
8.40 497