With his best friend Itsuki, student Takumi Fujiwara works as a gas station attendant. Itsuki has a strong desire to compete in street races. The Akina Speed Stars, whose team captain Koichiro Iketani...
8.20 8.15 499Peep And The Big Wide World follows the adventures of a curious newborn chick, Peep, and his friends, Chirp the robin and Quack the duck. The three birds explore their world and learn about basic scie...
7.90 8.00 24Eiri Kurahashi, a college art student who works in an antique store, is the main character of the series. One day, he notices a girl's image in an old glass. She seems to be moving and living her life...
6.70 6.81 495It opens with Dr. Saotome looking for outstanding individuals to pilot his invention, the Getter Robo. This is a retelling of the Getter Robo narrative. His son Tatsuhito was severely hurt during a Ge...
7.60 7.35 522Arusu is a magician. She truly believes that magic is real and that it may be applied to good actions and enjoyable activities. A secret elite of witches rules this new world she finds herself in, and...
7.20 7.07 600During the Second World War, Dr. Haneda was creating experimental huge robot warriors to battle the allies, but before they could be used, Allied bombers destroyed the base and took his life. Two of t...
6.80 7.32 433The 20th century saw a major conflict between humanity and monsters. Since then, the monsters have terrorized the world while remaining largely hidden from the public's eyes. Bokka, a little boy, muse...
6.10 6.31 670Kyohei Tachibana is a quiet student at a cooking school in a crime-ridden future Japan who has aspirations of studying for an advanced pastry degree in France (pastry chef). He accepts a part-time pos...
6.50 6.80 519An acolyte named Yufa and her childhood companion, the swordsman Roan, set off on a new expedition across the Rune-Midgard Kingdom after Yufa had emotionally recovered from the loss of her brother Keo...
5.80 6.45 516